16 Sep Celebrate National Staffing Employee Week!
Celebrate National Staffing Employee Week
According to The American Staffing Association, nearly 15 million employees are working for a staffing agency. Temporary employment agencies have helped to fill positions for all different kinds of industries for decades.
National Staffing Employee Week is an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and dedication of the millions of people they employ.
Starting over or finding the right job can be a hard arena to navigate. Figuring out what you are looking for in a new position is probably the hardest thing to do but consider what it is you really want.
Staffing agencies offer many kinds of jobs to consider, do you want part time employment? Do you want full time employment? Or are you looking to try out a few different companies and have the opportunity to be a temp to hire employee?
A staffing agency like LeadingEdge Personnel will be able to help you evaluate all these things and find a fit that is best for you. The nice thing is, you still get the perks of being an agency employee!
National Staffing Employee Week wants to recognize all those individuals employed by U.S. staffing agencies. Below are a few ways LeadingEdge Personnel likes to show appreciation:
Feature an employee of the month. We surprise our employee by showing up at their place of employment with balloons, lapel pin, freshly baked cookies and a crisp one hundred dollar bill.
Host an appreciation lunch/event. Or maybe this is a gift card so they can take themselves somewhere?
Offer paid time off. Temporary workers don’t often get to take time away from work without giving up a portion of their paycheck, so this is a great way to show them their contributions to your team mean a lot.
To conclude, a staffing agency will offer all the help and guidance to help you find the best job for you. Learn more about LeadingEdge Personnel below, and Happy National Staffing Employee Week!
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