21 Sep These Minor Tweaks to Your Job Ads Can Make a Powerful Difference
Right now, it’s an employees’ market: There are jobs everywhere, and people ready to work are in high demand.
How do hiring managers set their companies and jobs, apart from the rest of the world? How can you rise above the noise and make your job ad stand out to attract the best candidates?
Here are a few simple changes you can make to your current postings that can help gain the attention of good candidates.
1. See how it looks on mobile.
Chances are very high that your candidate pool will be looking at your job posting, at least initially, on their phones. How long does your post appear on the phone? Does it take a lot of scrolling to get to the pertinent details? Can you rearrange the way the ad is written, so the most important details are close to the top? That includes title, whether the job is on-site or remote, hours, any required experience, and a description of the position. If they’re interested, they’ll keep scrolling, but if they have to search for these points, they might pass you by for someone else. You can always include a link to more information on your website.
2. Watch your language.
The ad needs to be written in an exciting manner, making the job sound interesting and important. Some jobs just can’t be jazzed up with a flashy language and exclamation points (which should not be used too often, if at all), but try to highlight the importance of the role within your company. It’s also important to have someone outside HR read the posting before it goes up to ensure there is no unintentionally limiting language — anything that might dissuade someone with mobility or accessibility challenges from applying or could imply a preference for male or female candidates. You want to cast a wide net, not accidentally limit it.
3. Look at your policies compared to your benefits.
People are very interested in work-life balance, especially those who spent a good portion of the last year working at home. If you have a remote work system set up, how is it phrased: as a policy, which suggests it’s a priority and something available to all workers, or is it a benefit, meaning it must be earned? The same goes for parental leave, access to health insurance, flexible schedules, medical leave, etc. Policies are priorities; benefits are bonuses. How you phrase things in your ad makes a real difference here.
4. Get the picture.
Job postings with images help candidates envision themselves in an environment similar to your office or work site. Some kind of graphic element, whether that’s a photo, a chart, something eye-catching, can help grab attention and pull people into your ad. If yours is a creative company or needs creative thinkers, use that to your advantage without going over the top. First impressions matter.
5. Judge the job by the title.
Forget the adage about books and covers. People will absolutely judge whether to look at your job post by the title given to the position. Some will be enticed by flashy words like “rockstar” or “guru,” others will be turned off and pass right over. Consider your audience, brand, and company’s tone when speaking about itself, and select your words accordingly.
You want to write an exciting, enticing, interesting ad that will attract the right kinds of candidates, ones with the skills and experience that will add to your team and will help drive your success. Keep that in mind and take a closer look at your ads. Are you doing all you can to bring them in?
Connect With The Recruiting Experts
If you want a head start in finding new candidates, contact LeadingEdge Personnel. We have a database filled with strong prospects looking to get to work for a company like yours, and they’re eager to get started. Call LeadingEdge today, and let’s get to work.
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