Why Should A Business Hire Through An Employment Staffing Agency?

Why Should A Business Hire Through An Employment Staffing Agency?

employment staffing agency, direct hireFilling your company positions becomes a chore when there are too many candidates and few managers to take on the challenge. Turn your staffing dilemma over to the professionals so that you can concentrate on the real work. An employment staffing agency can help you find that permanent employee. They’re not just for your temporary, staffing needs in this modern age.

Spell Out the Position

Before you pick up the phone or email your preferred agency, sit down and write up a position description. Every business and industry have slightly different needs for their positions, including everyday jobs in reception or sales. Spell out the position in plain English with every requirement and suggested talents. This information becomes a blueprint for the employment staffing agency so that they can find the right candidates for the job.

San Antonio has thousands of skilled individuals, and your concise description pulls these people in. The agency does the hard work for you as soon as they receive your request.

Vetting the Candidates

The hardest part about hiring a solid individual is finding them at all. Your human resources department may be lacking staff which creates difficulties during the interviewing process. You can presumably receive hundreds of resumes and call on several dozen candidates.

This scenario takes too much time for most company managers. Use an agency to fill your direct hire jobs. The agency goes through their databases and narrows down the necessary candidates. They may have hundreds of candidates, but it’s their job to hire and transfer people. In essence, they’ll save you money as you focus on more important work.

Meeting the Top Tier

A direct hire situation doesn’t mean that you blindly offer a position to a chosen person at the agency. Once the staffing professionals perform their own interviews, they’ll contact you about the top-tier candidates. It’s your choice to interview some or all of them at your facility.

Some businesses prefer to interview the candidates at the agency. The staffing professionals are flexible with their processes so simply make your needs known. Accommodating your needs as a business will keep the agency relationship relaxed and helpful through the years.

Making a Final Decision

You’ve found your candidate so it’s time to contact the agency for the official hire. The agency performs their transition paperwork for the new hire. This transition process is relatively quick so that the candidate can start as soon as possible.

A direct hire job is a permanent selection, but you can still set up a probation period if necessary. You’ll start standard paperwork with the individual when he or she arrives on the first day. This new hire is unique, however, because the person has skills that have been verified and evaluated by several professionals. You have better chances working with an agency hire than a person found by other means.

Keeping Up With the Employment Staffing Agency

All direct hire staffing agencies appreciate feedback on the new hire whether it’s positive or negative in nature. Contact the agency with progress reports, and they’ll thank you with qualified temp workers whenever necessary. If you ever need another new employee in the future, the agency can be your source for the next person. In the end, many companies repeatedly hire through agencies because of the ease.

During any direct hire situation in San Antonio, look for a reputable employment staffing agency to help you out, such as Leading Edge Personnel. These professionals dedicate their business lives to improving the local economy with the perfect associates in the right positions. Hiring a thoroughly vetted applicant from an agency will enhance your bottom line.

For more information about using an employment staffing agency in San Antonio to fill an available position in your company, visit https://www.leadingedgepersonnel.com

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